December 19, 2005


A friend requested, no, dared me to post some "BS poetry" as he called it. A comment from an unexpected reader asked for more about the bad Crabby. Well... let's combine the two, shall we?

Here you will find a whole lot of dirty haiku -- because still another friend got me started on a kick of thinking of things in a certain syllabic pattern, and now I am a machine. Here is a taste.

Disclaimer Haiku:

A lot of my stuff
I can't post because it is
quite over-the-top!

Forgive me if I offend:

I hate to create
meaning where there is none but
strange how snug we fit.

There is no hiding
in your room, with 'the clapper'.
Lighted, I am shy.

I touched him even
when I wasn't supposed to.
Hard, he felt like math.

Evil, when love in
a perfect package finds you,
and it's still taboo.

We meet on the phone,
under the covers, dark words,
whispers, human faults.

your eyes bulging serve
to make me so wet when i
peek up as i eat

It's hard to forget
my oral fixation when
you look like candy.

Bringing out the girl
in me, you make me want to
take. Bend me over.

Remember to clench
your teeth and swallow when it
hurts. You can't make me.

He wants to cuddle
in the backseat. It is warm
and unexpected.

He futzes with my
bra and we fall back laughing.
Too young to get it.

Where did the days of
hand-holding go? Lately, it's
two dates and a f*ck.

Long time since I met
a guy who wanted to take
me someplace but bed.

Under, over, from
behind, I can't get your d*ck
far out of my mind.

I reach into my
pants to remember you. The
electric is off.


At December 21, 2005 5:34 PM, Blogger My Daily Struggles said...

We meet on the com-
puter, double clicks, dark words,
whispers, blogs, comments.

At December 22, 2005 3:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no kidding, crabby
I'm totally getting one
you scream, lights come on!

(and I'm not just saying this)
I will make you scream

At December 23, 2005 12:36 AM, Blogger crabby said...

Nothing like dirty
haiku to spark a furor.
The crab is blushing.


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