What's This!?

Oh, excuse me. Forgive the interruption. I'm sure you were enjoying the peace and quiet here of late. In fact, I'm sure that's why you find yourself stopping in, day after day as I just know you do, only to find nothing. You secretly love those moments you allow your eyes to glaze over a familiar picture, perhaps some purple text. Ah, sweet vegetation.
Bah, truthfully, I am tut-tutting myself as I sit here apologizing. I am too naughty! I am as bad as a band I once criticized. Do I think I am some kind of somebody who can afford to stall production in such an egregious way? Good heavens, no.
Rest assured I have many lame excuses for my silence none of which I will bore you with. Instead, I return, re-energized after my expedition into the world of the haiku, and prepared to tell you a sum total of absolutely nothing wise. Today at least.
I will suggest however you run along and try the following generator. Sometimes these things are spot on, sometimes not so much. With this one I found myself saying, "Hey, wow! I would drive a Beetle! I totally would fight against the forces of one M. Jackson with my super bankruptcy skills! Power-attache, away!"
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