A Tip of the Hat to Substance

Here we go... get up at 6, walk the dogge, work all day, run errandy errands that need to get done, run the dogge at the park down the street, stuff some "dinner" down... you know what I am talking about... some crap like instant microwaveable couscous. Take a shower, be a girl for ten minutes while I play the "What will you wear? Try it all on!" Game, dry my hair, rock the eyeliner, and hit the highway. It's 9:40 by the dashboard clock. At ten I am parked on Ave A off 2nd at a meter that doesn't need to be fed after seven. There are spots everywhere. All the cars have left the borough.
Get there earlier than expected but ended up catching an opener that put the band I originally wanted to see to absolute shame. Shame shame shame on you, Levy for playing for like a half hour. What are we rock stars or something?! Not quite. Just a handful of guys on the Lower East Side playing an eight dolla show, so please, try playing past 11:35. Just try it. You might get people to smile or maybe even rock out. The possibilities are endless.
From there drive on over to Red Hook, see some good people, talk to some new people, dabble in the illicit and roll home well, let's just say, early in the morning. Bad bad bad crabby!
But would you not agree that every now and then, there is something wonderful about driving home as the sun is just peeking up, casting gold aspersions on every brick and pane in its wake? It is a gorgeous thing. If you've never seen it, stay up just ONE night, doofus. Your life will be better for the lapse of respectability.

You know what else I like? I like knowing what streets to drive through to catch the smells of industrial-sized bakeries getting the breads going for the day, or the distinct whiff of coffee.
Actually I should be just as ashamed of my home-ETA (on a WEDNESDAY night!, as one friend commented) as Levy should be of their pathetically short setlist. And now as I think of it, for their sakes, I hope that is not indicative of how they operate in bed.
Moral of the story, every once in a while stay out so late it's early, and go see these guys instead.

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